Our Services



Companies need to embrace the challenge of innovation if they want to make their business grow and become more competitive in the markets. Innovation though, has its limits and rules. We pick ideas, competences and resources from start-up companies and innovative businesses, to come up with the right solution for your needs.


The growth of a company creates a virtuous circle which, in turn, creates the resources for further investments in research, technology and market development. 
This process allows enterprises to be more attractive also in the job market, thanks to the steady creation of new opportunities and new jobs.
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Valenti & Partners does not offer preset models to help companies grow, but only tailored solutions, because every context deserves to be analysed and understood in its specificity. We don’t just tell companies what to do: we help them do it.
In a process of growth and change, finding the best strategy needs to be followed up by the ability to carry out projects and implement action plans. We get our hands dirty to reach our goals, just like any good entrepreneur does.


In a process of growth and change what makes the difference is the ability to carry out projects and implement action plans.
This is why we don’t just devise the best strategy, but we are directly involved in its implementation.
We get our hands dirty to get the job done, just like any good entrepreneur does.

Servizi personalizzati per la crescita aziendale

We generate wealth
through innovation

Innovation is contamination of competences and exchange of knowledge, which can be obtained through skilful integration of internal and external resources. 
For every project we create an ecosystem of innovation, a factory of ideas made up by companies, universities, research hubs, technological partners and potential investors.
Our objective is to create wealth – material and immaterial – from innovative ideas.

Servizi personalizzati per la crescita aziendale

We design the future
of enterprises

Valenti & Partners supports the companies that must face such handover, analysing the context and then planning coaching activities to facilitate the transition, or searching for partners who are able to activate a process of managerialisation.
In case of merger or acquisition, Valenti & Partners is by your side throughout the whole process, from drawing up the strategy to closing the deal, turning the transition from a threat into an opportunity.

Servizi personalizzati per la crescita aziendale

Execution specialists
that favour growth

Where needed, we can take on managerial roles to implement strategies and operational plans agreed with the shareholders.
We consider ourselves real partners of the enterprises we work with, and we are ready to share the risks with them, because their objectives are our objectives.

Servizi personalizzati per la crescita aziendale

New horizons
for the business

Focussing on internationalisation is mandatory to grow in a market which rewards size.
Starting a process of internationalisation though, cannot be improvised.
Internationalisation is a complex challenge, which entails specific rules based on the sector and the size of the company.
Thanks to our long and extensive experience in the field, we can support companies in developing foreign markets also by promoting a culture of internationalisation within the company.

Servizi personalizzati per la crescita aziendale

A strategy of acquisitions
to accelerate organic growth

A strategy of acquisitions is effective to accelerate and integrate actions aimed at organic growth. Thanks to specific competences at the industrial, commercial, organisational and technological level in different sectors of industry,
we are close to private equity funds, club deals, merchant banks and M&A boutiques.
When possible, we are interested in becoming co-investors in the initiatives more in line with our investment strategy.

Servizi personalizzati per la crescita aziendale

and restructuring

We help businesses adapt their organisational model to the new strategies.
We support them in redefining the business model, improve the organisation and manage temporary situations of instability or turbulence.
In case of merger or acquisition, Valenti & Partners is by your side throughout the whole process, from drawing up the strategy to closing the deal, turning the transition from a threat into an opportunity.

Servizi personalizzati per la crescita aziendale

Winning strategies to generate sustainable
and long lasting competitive advantage

Through proper planning we identify the needs of the target audience, new markets, and we implement proper positioning through the definition of product, price, distribution and communication policies.
All the actions are designed, realised and monitored in full respect of economic and financial sustainability.

Are you thinking about the future of your company?

Let’s do it together.

Send us an email now and schedule a preliminary call!

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